The perfect failure, list II-Life coach

When it comes to “everyday matters which I should have known” there are times when I feel that I must be living on the dark side of the Moon... And I make sure, that I actually do, every time my girlfriend is giving me that look... Just a few days back, it happened again...
She did stare at me “with a little sympathy for my case” added with a soft smile, so I don’t feel bad, and completed with a slight physical approach, like the one you give to a child, in order to ensure it with the security of your presence...
And yes, at that moment I positively knew, that once more I found myself wandering alone and stupid!
What did I do?! Nothing! Well, almost nothing... I will let you decide!
I was just holding a business card in my hands, which was somehow given to me, and I was reading it out loud to her... “Baby, do you know what a Life coach is?
You see? My crime was, I had no idea what a Life coach is, and nowadays, you have to know these things, and I didn’t!
Otherwise you are not in, you are not informed, you are expired... Shortly and scientifically explained, you are living on the dark side of the Moon, and your “Honey” looks at you with pity!

But I adapted as fast! And now I’m all in. You see, that is why we have this Google thing... To “get it” right, as fast as you can, you dummies...
And of course before doing that I did... (...stays just between you and me, right?) ...check my library to find out the term Life coach but it was simply none-existing in any of that annoying, dusty old dictionaries and books, no matter how thick and well written they were...  

So, I am now well informed, because I combined all that information into my own conclusion, like so many folks do, and I can tell you what a “Life coach” is, without spilling a drop:
“Life Coach is an industrial Guru, genetically modified by Khan Noonien Singh, trained by Academic Marketing experts, and send as a representative of a Higher Force of your choosing”
And you cannot beat this can you?!...
Well... neither can I...
But I can write about it!

Blinded by the light
I used to say that “I don’t get it” How is it ever possible for so many people to seek some form of outside help, for matters which are crystal clear that they could resolve on their own, simple, logical, healthy common sense...
I used to say that “I don’t get it” How does anyone get to the point where he asks, on his own free will, to be told what to do, to be told how to think, to be told what to feel (!!!)
How is it even possible to ask from someone outside of yourself to tell you how to live and how to understand the life which is yours to live?
Well it took me a lifetime to understand, a behavior as alien to me, but I think that maybe now I know...
For some people the freedom of their own thought can be frightening.
In the meantime, that it took me to understand, it has become “hip” to go to psychiatrist. It even got to a point where if you haven’t been to one then “something is wrong with you”

As long as we are unable to communicate with our own selves...
As long as we are unable to make real friends, with which we can have a real interaction that exposes us to healthy criticism of our own actions...
As long as we don’t do that, we will always have a long list of people, who will be, not paid by us to do us service, but literally bribed by us, in order to deprive us from our own creative thinking...     
We will have replaced it with a:
Life Coach
...and other terms for the same thing, which are not invented yet while those lines are being put down.

This wrong attitude is not a stranger in the world of Aikido. Far too many practitioners, willingly exchange a great part of understanding the Art through practice, with a constant discussion about O’Sensei and “what he would have thought or done”
In trying by all means to interpret just about everything in this manner, they are refusing to take the responsibility of understanding the Art for themselves.
They think they need being told... Hence, they miss out how to think...

September 15, 2015